Unlock the best version of you and start living the

life you deserve.




Unlock the best version of you and start living the amazing life you deserve.

Unlock the best version
of you &
 start living the
life you deserve!

I believe by filling your life with things that make you smile, grow and shine, you’ll go to bed at night feeling fulfilled and content.

Through everything I do – the pole studio, the mindset coaching, the retreats, the podcast – my mission is to help you find your spark, fan those flames, and shine your light bright!

I’m here to help you get out of your own way, empower you to dream big, to take inspired action and to release your firecracker potential!

Because you matter, and you deserve an amazing life.

Let’s unlock the best version of you and smile, grow and shine together.

Here’s how we can work together…

“Working with Becky has helped me become more confident as a person and to feel comfortable taking risks.”

Amy O.

The Bliss Retreat was an amazing experience for me. I made beautiful and wonderful friends! Best trip I’ve had in years!”

Natalie S.

“Friendly, accommodating to everyone, and we have a real giggle.”

Shannon H.

“I decided to give myself a chance. And Becky is always there willing to help and support you.”

Katie C.

“Now, I am at peace with my body and embrace my curves that define me. I am much much much happier!”

Rushana A.

“Genuinely missing everyone already!! The DOMS have officially set in, so hot bath for me tonight!! Thank you for such an amazing retreat!”


Claim your space in a Mindset Workshop.

Get the clarity and confidence to start living the life you dream of.